I’m Michele. This website started as a way to chronicle my journey to lose 70 lbs, get fit, and build muscle starting at age 51.
While there are thousands of fitness and weight-loss sites online, I found that most of them are filled with time-consuming recipes and grueling fitness-guru type workouts.
This website not only details my journey, but it also provides real solutions for real people – especially for those who
- Hate to cook or spend more than 15 minutes in the kitchen
- Can’t run 30 seconds without gasping for breath like a fish out of water
- Hate exercise, sweat, and exertion
- Want to get off the yo-yo dieting track and have a permanent lifestyle that supports a healthy body
- Used to be able to lose weight easily but find that’s no longer the case
Here, you will find:
- Details of my journey to less fat and more muscle
- Strategies to overcome the mental blocks that hold you back
- Quick, easy, painless food advice (15 minutes or less!)
- The science behind a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle
- Intermittent fasting info & tips
- Tips for increasing your mental toughness
- Tools and resources that support your goals and make life easier
- A spotlight on weightlifting (lift heavy!)
Focus on the Mental
Everyone basically knows what they should and shouldn’t do, eat, etc. I truly believe the hardest part of losing weight and getting in shape is the mental aspect of it. Making yourself do what you don’t want to do. Mastering your mind and your self-talk. Overcoming doubt and your own inner self-talk that stops you and drags you down is paramount. Sticking with something long enough to make a difference.
Mastering your mind is 95% of the game.
Strengthening your mental toughness translates not just into weight loss but also into every aspect of your life. You’ll find plenty of resources here to help you overcome those mental roadblocks that keep you stuck.
My Role Models
Ruth Heidrich, PhD.
Ruth Heidrich is an amazing lady who still runs triathlons in her 80s. After a Stage III breast cancer diagnosis in her 40s, she instantly switched to a vegan diet and cured her own cancer without chemo or surgery. Her mental fortitude, physical prowess, and incredible intelligence inspire me daily.
Visit Ruth's WebsiteErnestine Shepherd
Ernestine Shepherd started lifting weights in her 50s. She’s now fit, healthy, and muscular in her 80s. She still teaches and coaches women in her neighborhood. She’s a shining example that age is just a silly number and that older women can be bodybuilders, too.
Visit Ernestine's WebsiteMy Why
Knowing your “why” and keeping that in the back of your mind is important. If you don’t have your “why” written down, I encourage you to do that now. My reasons for embarking on this journey are:
- I don’t want to get old and be fat, unhealthy, and decrepit.
- Because it’s hard. I hate exercise and eating healthy stuff. I embrace hard things to prove to myself that I can do the really hard stuff and be successful in spite of my reluctance.
- I’d like to show up at my daughter’s wedding (December 2021 – in 9 months) looking halfway decent.
Everyone Can Get Healthier
The overarching purpose for this website is so we can inspire each other to become better people.
Going through tough times or significant changes is easier when we share our ups and downs with others. We see we’re not alone, and we can learn from others’ mistakes without having to make the same mistakes ourselves.

Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
Helen Keller
I am not a physician
I am not a physician. Nothing on this website should be construed as medical advice. Always see your medical care team for medical advice. Do your own diligent research before you incorporate advice you find online into your own life.